and this is a wonderful column that he wrote which at offered no sister bernie goldman who worked with thomas people and should send this out every with a christmas card called the work of christmas in the son of the angels the stilled, when the star and the sky is gone, and the kings and princes are home alone the shepherds are back with the flock, the work of christmas begins. to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nation's, and to bring peace among brothers to make music in the heart >>> that's great that's the mood of christmas. and that's the work of christmas. and there's all kinds of readings that are just absolutely fabulous >>> when my favorite quotes of howard thurman is put a saddle on your dream before you read them greta the other one is the one that often used as a benediction in the quietness of this place, surrounded by the fall pervading presence of the whole the, my heart whispers. keep fresh performing the moments of my high resolve that in good times or in campus fall whether or fair when the foe was nameles