chicagoans you guys all love bernie mac so much. come out and show your support for this family. >> honor him and do a good thing at the same time. >> black and white ball takes place october 2 at the peninsula hotel. that's right. they are going high end. go to the website to purchase tickets. donations are always accepted. and can be made on the web is the. and when we come back, jim ramsey will have your weather forecast. stay with us. now i will tell you who it was. hey, pete. yeah, it's me, big brother. put the remote down and listen. this intervention brought to you by niaspan. so you cut back on the cheeseburgers and stopped using your exercise bike as a coat rack. that's it? you're done? i don't think so. you told me your doctor's worried about plaque clogging your arteries - what did he call it...coronary artery disease. that cholesterol medicine he also wants you on - niaspan? i looked it up online. hey, pete, you waiting for an engraved invitation? if you have high cholesterol and coronary artery disease, and diet and exe