. -- and anyone name bernie ohta be looked at closely for our next president, obviously. at was a stroke in for all the guys name bernie. i really believe that anyone who t look at the pictures of the receiving eyes and polar caps in the arctic and greenland , and even in our own country in the glacial national park, where the ice is receding. the fellow was talking from down in the keys about the fact that they are seeing the rise in water already. the three books i just finished reading i would highly recommend. " is one,h extinction the second, and the third i finished reading but it has slipped my mind. they are three good books out there written in well documented facts that we do not have to just have an opinion. it relates it to politics. most republicans calling in are your graph showed, they do not believe man is having an impact on our environment. on the democratic and independent side, they can see that there is in fact climate change. i like what the one fella said about the holistic approach to our resources you'd we are thatng up our fossil fuels can make pl