story, and there was a very fortuitous and meaningful meeting between redford and woodward and bernste bernstein, and he said the only reason i'm interested in the story is you guys, how you got the story. i don't want a movie about watergate, i want a story about you guys, you reporters. then the whole axis of what became "all the president's men" changed from being about watergate to being about them. and so how do you write a story about yourselves and how you've uncovered the story? well, you have to talk about your sources. so they went back to a lot of their sources, people like hugh sloan, the treasurer. he said, i have no objection to you using what i told you when i told you it. due to the holdback, they didn't use her name, though they did describe her. when mark felt was asked by woodward to be identified in all of it, he said, hell, no. we had a deep background arrangement. i was not to be quoted, my exist e existence was not to be acknowledged to anyone. nevertheless, when they wrote "all the president's men", they violated every one of those stipulations except one or two. they did