what she sees as the oppressive atmosphere on campus, and you're referring back to a woman named bernsthreen. what are you talking about there? directly -- why are the american people responsible? >> elizabeth bernstein is a vice president at the ford foundation. and i went to hear her talk on a conference on academic freedom in new york a couple of years ago. and the ford foundation gives so much money to higher education that the audience is enthraled to hear her talk. and she began to list the threats that she saw in the american academy to academic freedom. and she listed, oh, conservative religious groups, she listed anti-evolution groups, she listed republicans. it just sort of went on and on. and at the end she said one of the biggest problems she saw were cable news networks like fox, for instance, that were telling the american people about professors like the man at columbia who wished upon america a million mogea dishus or telling people about churchill telling people about the outrageous of american universities. and to her, what the problem was not the outrage. the problems was