[applause] >> bert bertocci and then katie ledan. >> hi. i'm bert bertocci. i'm an avid cyclist and i frequently bike along the embarcadero. i take the train in, and i then i bike up to market street. and i stopped use the bike lane. i am, by all means, a capable cyclist. i do this all the time. i'm not afraid in the sense that i'm not going to let that stop me from riding, but i am in the sense that it's just not enjoyable. i've stopped taking the bike lane on the embarcadero. i take the shared path. it's not the best option. i have pedestrians walking five pi people apeoplbreast. i don't feel like the pedi driver that was involved in the six car collision. putting everybody in that shared path isn't good enough. we need to make a dedicated bike lane, and one of the things about the long-term plans, it's not clear. they were talking about loading zones. for the long-term plan, it's very important that there are no drivers in the bike lan, no temporary drop offs of passengers. as far as the short-term improvements go, there was mention of the southbound lanes