of chices thathese counities face inhe yearshead, so of which e going be veryvery tou choices bert p. quin: th area used tbe lover' lane because therwas treeall overhe place. you cou get ihere a go hide ck thereso w'd listeto musicnd hang t with ur girliend. y'al d't ind if iay that,uh? all righ i was bn and raed right hre, in he ta grass rightere. i gss it reresent wre all omy cestorsas born d raised a died, a a lot iburied overere, awell, soo me, it mea a wholeunch. mardell the land is importt to us cause 's whre our aestors stled. that's wherare famies are. that's whe the hea of who we ares. it's a sace at we becomone with albe p. naqu: the inans werin the w of thwhite man, so ty all signed trties forore landnd more nd, and that'sow we goto ov here. t governmt chaseus, soe settleover hee and wahappy, a now mother ture is tting us away. brunet: this isy grandpents ony mothe's se, my grndmothernd my grdfather rit ther i was rsed here whole fe. yesisle de jean charl has alws been wonderfuplace toive.he islandidn't actuly open to the rld fully, notntil abouthe earlyifties wn our ro was buil