and then, you know, with the nouvelle vague and then with bertolucci finally...his has now taken root in hollywood which is why hollywood is so anxious and confused at the moment because they know they have to give money to spike lee and to quentin tarantino and they don't like that fact. eventually they can co-opt them, hopefully. or make money off of them and hold their nose while they do it. uh, now the question i'm trying to ask is are these guys really mavericks or has hollywood style... is there no more hollywood style? or is perhaps the very notion of hollywood style fluid enough, elastic enough to be able to incorporate some of... that's what i think's happened. the umbrella's getting wider and i think hollywood is ready to move a bit outside its realm. i don't really agree that executives hold their nose because these are younger guys. they're sort of hip or fancy themselves sort of hip and they like to have dinner with quentin tarantino. if they're going to bend and make movies that do 40 or 50 million then let's make them part of the party. i think wha