this is not faulkener's air bess, and it felt like natural prose and that is -- >> doesn't maky feel as you are reading the book, why do i bother. >> impossible. i can admire but i also, you know, can feel sort of discouraged by it. with him you feel encouraged by the and want to do it yourself. that is kneeling that he gives me, wants you to try -- the feeling that he gives me, you wanted to try to write an essay like that because the prose is simple and has the plain style and it seems like the leading characteristic of it is honesty, which one ought to be capable of. on the other hand, i think triing might go too far in the the sense that decency alone, i think the word he uses about orwell, it is a key orwell word, common decency and it is an important one but he was an eccentric. orwell was a difficult man. he had -- full of contradictions and he was not so simple and good, i think as trilling would have you think and you alluded to his antipathies and he was a man of violent dislikes and some of his earlier work, before i think he calmed down, with a certain amount of self-assu