wwe've had some other fun rulins for doge one involving secretary besson support you will love this wouldout this when yes. they tried to tell the secretary of treasury that he had no power of how funds are disbursed from the treasury departments. only career employees could do that, not the secretary of treasury because they called him quote political pride that is what we are doing with every day. >> you got a lot of these judg judges. it's in the districts they are in most are in dark blue cities of boston, washington, new york, seattle, washington. i counted it to be wrong but accounts on the public record 94 of these lawsuits trying to cripple doge and the president and the activities that are taking place. i guess these are taking up a lot of time, no? x they are but there are great lawyers who are amazing. we are bringing in more lawyers. next we you will see a whole stream of new lawyers coming in to help them. we are honest and we are in the rights ultimately these cases are going to get to the supreme court and we will prevail. it's not even a close call on this. trillions of do