i'm talking about bestiality, everything. and i mean, you don't have to go inside to see the hardest stuff they have. and obviously, they feel comfortable their children are not turning into killers and rapists and perverts, you know. so i--i find that very refreshing, that a society like that can exist, that is not afraid of sexuality. and so, you know, when i-- when i worked there, i was there five months at the request of the groninger museum, which was doing a huge retrospective of my work. and the museum actually sponsored the sex pictures. they--they gave me a large amount of money to do the work. in return, i gave them some prints for their collection. but it was very refreshing to be able to deal with people who, you know-- the only pressure they ever put on me there-- mark wilson, the curator of the museum, the only pressure he ever put on me was to go out there and do stuff. he would say to me, "andres, you haven't shot a picture in two months"-- rather, "in two weeks." and i'd say, "well, you know, mark, i was thin