beta particle, beta particle, beta--what's a beta particle? - electron. - electron. now we have to make the symbol for electron. e for electron, get it? mm-hmm. what's the atomic number of an electron? - negative one. - atomic number? negative one. what is atomic number, anyway? charge, right? what's the charge of an electron? - negative one. - negative one. what's the mass of an electron? zero. well, it's closer to zero than it is to one if one is the mass of a proton or neutron. and this has got, like, about 2,000th the mass. that's closer to zero than to one. so we round off atomic mass number, anyway. this is zero. now, what does the thorium become? well, what do we got over here for an atomic number? 91. do you see it's 91? yeah. 91. and what's the mass gonna be? - 89. - now, what has 91? protactinium. - is it gonna be 91, gang? - yeah. let's check. - 91 minus 1 equals 90. - correct. it's 91. that's interesting. some people think that radioactive decay, you start with uranium and work down, down, down, down the periodic table approaching hydrogen. not true. when