the. >> woodruff: and beth healy, what's the role of borrowing in all this?know a lot of this has to do with so-called leveraged buyouts. so what's the role of debt in all this? >> that's right. so when the company buys... when companies like bain buy a firm they also borrow a lot of money from the bank. in fact, they borrow much more than they typically put down. you might put down $10 million and borrow many tens of millions more or even hundreds of millions more. >> woodruff: dan primak, so the stated goal of a private equity firm involved in these buyouts like bain, what is it? what do they say their purpose is? >> make money for their investors. and the investors in a firm like bain and most other private equity firms typically are large institutions: pension funds, college endowments, private foundations, sometimes sovereign wealth funds or public pension funds. their primary goal is to make money for their investors. that's their only goal and only fiduciary responsibility. >> woodruff: what is bain's sflord >> bain's record is very good. the way you j