but, this has generated such emotional response, we heard beth karas say moments ago and betty in her connecticut basically voted to repeal the death penalty but the governor vetoed that and part was this case. this case, i've tried five death penalty cases, very different and very hard on everybody involved. this case is so atrocious, i think even some people who are opponents of the death penalty would have second thoughts about this. >> and do you think it will change the way things are done in connecticut? we all know as you pointed out, both beth and betty touched about this what the legislature voted and what the governor ended up doing and how hard dr. petit fought for that. moving forward, what effect could this have? >> you could have a bizarre scenario, they go through the trial of the two men and the juries will find them guilty, probably, and two separate trials within a trial, jury says guilty of murder or not guilty or giltd of something less. if they say guilty of murder they move to the penalty phase, another small trial within the trial and say whether they live or di