that's according to beth milito at the national federation of independent businesses, which represents 350000 small businesses. a cynical part of me says, "hey, if i sat down and, boy, it looks like someone's got a criminal record and then i've got another candidate who doesn't, i'm going to go with the guy who doesn't have the criminal record," right? >> maybe, maybe not. i think it depends on the nature of the job. the equal employment opportunity commission issued new guidance in april of 2012. and it reiterates that where at all possible it's good for a business to consider three factors: the nature of the crime, the time that's elapsed since the crime and the nature of the job. and when at all possible to make an individualized assessment. and i think many employers will do that. >> reporter: 100 cities, including philadelphia, new york, detroit, charlotte and orlando, along with 18 states now prohibit employers from asking job applicants to check a box admitting if they have a criminal record. 11 state bans apply only to government agencies. seven states also prohibit private emp