this network helps betha maneuver through traffic independently. mostly for the focus because you don't quite trust bertha right. yes exactly it's ok got us on this test these are just tests engineered to stay focused. it's much less relaxing than driving yourself away but that will change once everything works more reliably with stifel so you know millions of signals are transmitted to the onboard computer every 2nd it uses ai to analyze any information that might be relevant for participating in city traffic when when you're driving a plane takes over this job with a on i there's still room for improvement but for a brief moment beth is overwhelmed. so you have to take over it's what exactly i had to intervene at this point on the road the car always has localization difficulties as there are many distinctive markings around mark peoples and so the computer struggles to locate where it's at and that's why i took over for a bit just because he understood the course i could play for you know. this might someone's you think i could buy a car like be