let's bring in moms for liberty los angeles chapter chair karen frost and montgomery county bethany mandel this two are suing gavin newsom the california governor for forcing them to lie to parents and bethany i want to put this on the screen because this is the e-mail one parent says they got and we can see this. it says, the student name is blank, preferred name is redacted, pronouns are he/him. mother and step dad are not aware police use redacted and she/her when calling home. this is a list, an effective way to tell the schools how to lie to parents about their own children. what do you think? >> it's terrifying that they are keeping secrets like this from parents because these kind of gender identity issues do not occur in a vacuum. they are often accompanying mental health issues that parents need to be aware of. this is part of a mosaic that they need to be aware of. if their child becomes suicidal or has a mental health crisis. if their child is put on puberty blockers from planned parenthood which is something that can happen without their knowledge or consent they need to know w