bethany sexton: "it's been a really intense day, but they go through four years of it." bethany sexton works for renown health and actually wanted to become a doctor in the past, but she took the business route of health care instead. so this opportunity gave her a look at what the students do how they deliver bad news to a patient. "i know that that could be really disappointing. because i'm sure you were initially thinking it was going to be a small incision." bethany sexton: "even though it was a simulated patient, it was kind of heart wrenching to be able to have to tell somebody that they had had complications from a surgery. and so it really gives me new appreciation for what our doctors have to go through everyday." the school of medicine also tells us that this program was designed to create more of an understanding for leaders in the community, so they make insightful decisions about funding sources for medical melissa piasecki, executive associate dean, university of nevada school of medicine: "what this give folks is, really breaking it down in