master chaplain, bethink you of your holy office, of what you are and where you are. i direct you to sit down. i will not sit down. master inquisitor, this man has called me a traitor to my face before now. so you are a traitor. you are all traitors. you have been doing nothing but begging this damnable witch on your knees to recant all through this trial! if you will not sit, then you must stand, that is all. i will not stand. my lord, here is the form of recantation for the maid to sign. read it to her. do not trouble. i will sign it. woman, you must know what you are putting your hand to. read it to her, brother martin. and let all be silent. i, joan, commonly called the maid a miserable sinner do confess that i have most grievously sinned in the following articles. i have pretended to have revelations from god and the angels and the blessed saints and perversely rejected the church's warnings that these were temptations by demons. i have blasphemed abominably by wearing an immodest dress contrary to the holy scripture and the canons of the church. also, i have cli