that was the test article number eight and that eye accompanied down here from bethpage where grumman was located and put it through a full series of tests to validate that the environment control system as well as the thermal control system could manage and keep the vehicle from getting too hot, too cold and it helps the equipment, make sure that the equipment didn't get too hot. as i said before, in space there's no atmosphere. heat gets carried away only by direct contact with cold plates and that was what bill was talking to. >> that vehicle was brought down here and put in the space environment out on the back part of the center and it's a great -- it's a huge vacuum chamber. and they would pull a vacuum, run liquid nitrogen through the walls and they also had a number of lights that simulated sunlight. so the lunar -- unlike the command module, which is always in space and was rotating, so it would barbecue and so the sun would see different sides or sun on different sides of the vehicle constantly, the lunar module, once it sat on the surface, sat there. and it did not barbecue