when it was originally -- when betillow envisioned the city, it was what could be called an industrial utopia. by the time he came in, there was no more time to be perfect. and his other dreams really focused on this manufacturing part. and i think that's probably what some people wouldn't realize is even they didn't know how much oil was under the ground out there. it surprised everybody when it came in. beaumont at the time was rough and tumble and so he wanted something that was pristine and clean and that's actually not what he got. in the end, but that's the way it works sometimes. the gladys city oil, gas, and manufacturing company was the first oil company incorporated in texas. and they are still in operation today. they still have interests out in spindletop field. and so -- they really put the engine behind trying to search for this oil. and we'll go in and take a look at a couple of things, what higgins' vision was for gladys city. with the photographer plotted out the city and you can see that there was much given to gladys city oil and gas manufacturing company, there were