betsy bradley is a -- the master of this beautiful college, davenport. just kidding. i lived in davenport. she i think than anybody else personifies these three games. extraordinary scholar who has done leaving work looking at why we see variations in hospital performance. you are one of the most popular teaches at the university which is pretty amazing thing in and of it it's all right. and a scholar who is not only produced the research but translated it into practice, improving the way hospitals are managed across the globe. lauren is a presidential scholar at the harvard divinity school, and they have come up with this book, "the american health care paradox." we've got a lot of explanations for why spend more and get less. economists say the reason why the health care system is so expensive because of technology, the fancy kits in our hospitals. doctors often say it's because of malpractice. you to have come up with a different explanation, something where you've argued the causes of why the health care system is so expensive might be outside of the health care s