applause ] >> i haven't even told my wife and daughter the name of my character. >> jimmy: what about betsy klapplking. yeah. betsy, if you're watching, i'm coming at you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you haven't even told them the name of your character? >> no. because as you can see, i'm a blabber mouth. and value my knees. i don't want to get fired. or removed from the movie. >> jimmy: would the name give someone an indication of -- would the name itself tell us anything about the plot of the film? >> sorry, what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i said would the name itself tell us anything about the plot of the film? i see. j.j. abrahams has clicked off your hearing. >> he has, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's very powerful. he really is. >> oh my goodness, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: j.j., no, i'm fine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have fun at the oscars. i have a feeling you're going to have a lot of fun. the movie is terrific. it's called "can you ever forgive me?" it's in select theaters now and available in video on demand. richard e. grant, everyone. be right back with why don't we. >> dicky: the "jimmy kim