. >> for more on this, joined by betsy rosenberg, environmental media host and journalist reporting on years, also contributing author to "climate abandoned". you make a very interesting point. that is that we we think of green energy workers as solar panel installers or people like that, but in fact, you mentioned that we're going to need climate-trained journalists and climate-trained teachers well beyond the energy sector. exactly. we think of technicians and engineers and that is a big part of it because we have to change our whole economy and greenify it. perhaps we can retrain oil rig workers because we can teach them to build the high-speed rails that we need. beyond that it's a matter of expand our thinking. when i speak to high school and college students, whatever you're interested, being law, medicine, a journalist or writer and put a green twist on it and a twist of lime, as i say, the jobs will be in demand even though we're talking until we're blue in the face. this is a new day. it is all changing and we have to create those jobs and it is up to the people who are going