bette davis was 52, as was martha, and james mason had always been 46, you know, so... [laughter] so it was--it was good. and so i said okay, knowing at the time that when you sell the rights of a play to be made into a movie, you lose absolute control over it-- understanding that. if you write a play, you have absolute control over what is done to your play onstage. they can't change a word without your permission. but you take a chance when you sell a movie. but that whole combination struck me as being pretty good. but then there's a thing called movie magic, and bette davis and james mason turned into elizabeth taylor and richard burton. and oddly enough, mike nichols stayed mike nichols, and...but i sort of trusted mike. i didn't think he was going to allow them to really screw it up. and what happened, finally, by some great fortune: there was no screenplay. i mean, there's this guy, ernest lehman, who is credited with the screenplay. but then again, he produced the movie too. but i think he changed two sentences of my entire script and maybe cut about five minute