. >> we are now on item number nine, the betty ann ong chinese recreation center. commissioner lee: what about item eight? >> i'm sorry. item eight. item eight, the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks general obligation bonds third sale. powerpoint, please. thanks, margaret. i can get started. is that better? no, go ahead. there we go. commissioners, and i am very excited today to be here. hopefully, to receive your authorization to proceed with the third and final sale of the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks general obligation bonds. this is a key indicator of the progress of our capital division over the past year in delivering on the promises we made to the public about delivering these " great neighborhood parks, as well as a number of city-wide programs. this is our third sale. we sought two sales prior to this. a quick reminder, the $185 million, about $150 was for the rec and park department. we have worked together. we have done very successfully and are passed two sales. i apologize for my voice. i lost my voice and i cannot get much louder than t