betty cotati is not your average octogenarian at eighty five she's become the world's oldest flying trapeze artist and it's a hobby she and he took up in her seventy's many townsmen ask what is my secret about being in eighty five and being able to do what i'm doing i think so much of that is that i'm doing things that i enjoy doing i'm hoping that i encourage. people people will women to not think that when they hit the age of fifty five fifty five that their old betty isn't the only one reaching for the stars feather who was adopted from a rescue center has set a new canine record for jumping at one hundred ninety one point seven centimeters that six foot three and sticking with man's best friend make sure romo and pixie just sold a few tricks on how to skate double dutch style. he deserves to meet irish butcher barry john crow barry is the guinness world record holder for producing the most sausages in a minute. and then there's the man who's racked up the fastest speed in his jet propelled go cart. oh how about the world's largest rideable hexapod robot. and if you're ever in danger of