. >> it was betty friedman.was deaf tput -- definitely that. >> a great tribute to her. >> spontaneously turned out to be the best thing ever. >> they have three demands according to the ladies organizing the strike, free child care centers running 24 hours a day, equal education and employment, and free abortions on request. >> free abortions on request! >> it was a wonderful consciousness raising moment to demonstrate the seriousness, the rage. it was a revolutionary high. it was very moving. >> at the western white house, president nixon said we should all recognize that women have a wider role to play in this nation. but on the senate floor, west virginia's jennings randolph characterized women's lib as -- i quote him -- a small band of braless bubbleheads. >> you have to understand how backwards we were on issues involving women's rights then. women couldn't sign a loan. they had to get their husband's approval. women weren't allowed in the military academies. i mean, this is ridiculous. >> i think the poin