i mean, our industry, you know, food, beverage and entertainment, contributes, according to betty yee, over $500 million a year. and i think that somewhere that needs to be, you know, that these tax -- the tax-plus side, i guess, the contribution of the industry, needs to be calculated and accounted for the public. executive director dick-endrizzi: is that a direct request that you would like to have a report provided to the commission on that? or is that just a -- i'm just trying to understand if, i mean, do you want that phrased? vice president clyde: can it be done in a timely manner? can we find out how many businesses are paying, for instance, payroll tax who also hold a.b.c. licenses so we can get an idea of the employment contribution of the industry? is it possible to find out, i mean, like i said, betty yee said the industry as a whole is contributing $8 billion in economic activity, with approximately $500 million in sales tax revenues. but -- executive director dick-endrizzi: and the figure you just quoted, is that san francisco businesss? vice president clyde: yes. it is s