and creates terrible tensions inside the union----if any of you arare mes of union, you knknow this--betwn the workers who are bitter that they lost everything, particulalarly when many employs will then impose overtime on the workers still working, rather than bring back somebody who's unemployoyed. so that's the firt rule. second rule is, if there are workers that really are redundant because nothing more can be done in this area, or that we've got to a limit of how much we can share the unemployment, then we will find work for those people in another co-op because the mondragon is a parent company of hundreds of co-ops, and they do that. they're very proudud that in the current climate of spain-- for those of you that are not familiar with it, spain is now the worst economic downturn of modern spanish history, the worst in europe, 25% unemploymyment. the unemployment rate in spain today is what it was at the worst of the depression of the 193930s. young peopople betweenh ages of 18 and 30 have a 50% unemploymenent. half of them m e not working, cannot find work. it's a--but not in mondn