>> beutler? beutler?when i was in school something was wrong my parents questions were, what did you do? it would take tell us because once we talk to the teacher, it's over for you. sometimes i would say mom, the teacher doesn't like me and she would say so what? is like, what is the has to do with you not doing their homework? now when a kid says mommy the teacher doesn't like me let's get that teacher fired. this breakdown of the education system has no winners, literally no winners because winning is racist not honoring kids who excel because it might make the kids who didn't feel that. good. it's a good thing. lowering the bar because virtue signaling officials, tyrus is black, i can't learn math or english so let's lower the bar because well, you know. woke teachers are incorporating social justice buzzwords into geometry. geometry. if an obtuse triangle identifies as an isosceles triangle but labels it scaling, how many angles will it take to dismantle the oppressive system? that's right, 5-dollar