the doctor from the department of public health, and bevan dufty, who is our new director of hope. we also have joanna, who will be joining us later from the mayor's office of disability. i also want to recognize nancy here from 311, and i believe diana from mta as well. i thought i would begin -- and i know the community will also be presenting, but i did want to begin with the human services agency. >> can you hear me? good afternoon, and thank you, supervisors. i am the director of the housing and homeless division for human services agency. i come before you today with a list of questions that supervisor kim asked the department to respond to. the first question is based on heard january 18 state in the next door shelter. her first question is -- what are the number of beds assigned on a 90-day basis? approximately 700 resourced center beds are available -- resource center beds are available, and these are all a sign for 90-day reservations. another 390 beds are set aside. on average, five to 25 of these are not assigned by late afternoon. these beds are available for one-night