>> guest: i really loved lloyd alexander, i read beverly cleary, i loved all sorts of books, but comics definitely have a potential place in my heart. >> host: how did your parents set your reading habits? >> guest: my dad was not big on me reading comics, for sure. we had to sneak them in the house. >> host: really? >> guest: yeah. libraries, there was no graphic novel section like there is today. a friend of mine and i would get our parents to drop us off, wait million they drove home, and we would sneak out of the library, walk 20 minutes to the comics store, sneak back into the library and check out these giant, you know, coffee table books to hide our comic books so we could take them home. my parents, especially my dad, were not into me reading comics. >> host: where'd you grow up? >> guest: i grew up in -- [inaudible] >> host: what was that like? >> guest: it was, i mean, when we first moved into the neighborhood that i spent most of my childhood in, we were just one of a handful of asian-american families. and nowadays that same community is, like, 80, 70 or 80 percent asian-ame