if you'vv got a attached, between spending, credit card expert beverly hhrzog says this is the make itor you.you can even ptart using those rewards points to buy gifts so it really is a good idea to use your cards, as long as you long as you keep track of what yyu're spendinggwhether using credit or cash. make a budget, and don't wait until year to see if you stuck to it. re- evaluate spending regularly. beware the allure of the retailer's credit card.tte positive that they try to sell you on at the get 10 or 15 yoo enticing, but it's still a good idea to rrad that credit will clue you in on theecard's which can make a little polidaa debt a lot bigger if not paid off right something to keep in mind for any holiday purchase on credit. cnn.script----- more and more more nd more peoole are using theer smartphones to shop... and ttat trend is expected to increase this holiday season.a new survey finds 55-percenn of ssoppers own smartppones them for holiday shopping this smartphone users are planning to sppnd abbut 14-hundred dollarr a piece on gifts. another benefit of using a smart phone.