. -- beweware. short t and simple can be dangerous. a lot of people in ts add world want everything, even legal documents, cap short t and to the point. you say there are reasons for pages of legal documents. i want one pagege my customers can sign off on, not too complicated. the proboblem , the devil really is in the detai. how are you getting paid? can you charge a l late fee? what happens that you are asking somemebody else to do? u really want to have protections,nd not just a short and sweet document. if you have aroblem and have to go after that person, you need a document that governs the interactions. doesn't needi, to be referred t to the adddden, or can it be upfront? >> you can refer to addendum, as long as i is drafted by problem. -- as long as it is drafted clearly. >> would you s suggest you have someone on a monthly basis, an annual basis, an hrly basis? what should they expect to pay in their budget. >> legal fees should not be a significant expense. i usually recomommend, do it onn as needed basis. a a lot of times, y