for example, the container security might be difference bfi is operational in the same 58 ports that were active before the enactment of the 9/11 act. over the past five years, csi has not been k3 panlded despite the fact that at least 700 ports shep goods ship goods to the united states. and a number of overseas personnel employed to the 58 ports has plummeted. specifically in 2009, there were 167 cfi overs. today there are only 78. while a few year ago the secure freight initiative included six ports, today the program is reduced to a single low volume port. last month they released global supply security. you heard my ranking member talk about the size of this six page document. it's hard to see how this document could offer a comprehensive blueprint for enhancing the security of the supply chain especially given the enormity of the task and the number of stakeholders involved. neverthele nevertheless, i expect to hear testimony today from dhs witnesses about how successful the department has been at creating programs to ensure that shippers can be trusted manifest or analyze and