once solutions are identified, bgi finances the upgrades through energy performance contracts - which clients finance through savings in their power bills.bgi is a rapidly expanding, multi million dollar enterprise. >>we provide a comprehensive solution - all in one basket. we gather together all the required goods, technology, human resources, funding and services on this single platform. >>reporter: china's energy saving industry is onhe move. by 2015, the market for low carbon goods and services is forecast to reach 2.3 trillion dollars - a third of the global total. >>hailin - china's market leader in thermostat controls - is eyeing the potential for heating commercial buildings more sustainably. at its new headquarters, the company went further than having traditional rooftop solar panels. on the outside of its new building, the narrow lighter coloured rows are heat collectors too. the company's predent, li haiqing believes this is the way forward. >>for example, on the roof or on the wall of the building - and even on the glass curtain wall - we installed a great number of heat