president newlin: bha what is your current thursday schedule? >> well, the planning commission motion limited us until 12:30, i believe, was it 12:30, on thursday night. and in six months we're able to ask for an extension until 2:00 on thursday nights. i would simply suggest that the entertainment commission motion would follow the planning commission. vice chair joseph: you have to come back for an amendment, is that right? commissioner meko: condition of the conditional use, not the place of entertainment permit. vice chair joseph: so they have to come back for an amendment, don't they? president newlin: if we approve it. but you have to stand aside the conditional use permit. commissioner meko: we're accepting whatever it is. president newlin: unless you want to come back. vice chair joseph: come and visit. come and visit. president newlin: very good. thank you and good luck. >> good night, commissioners. president newlin: item 6-b. miles, john, the fishbowl. mechanical music device. >> hang on. this is really a no-brainer. the applicant app