bhairai now, every night, every night. in fact, what is the difference between the program and other evening programs? it has a fixed generality, which means that it has a framework that all evening programs must adhere to, which is to create a fun night atmosphere for the audience of the evening program. it has been delivered, the groups follow that framework, but i will add the color of their own group to that program, for example, the knowledge group definitely has items in the field of knowledge, the sports and recreation group is a little more fun and fun, the community group and culture and education group, each one in turn they give color to this program, but the general framework of the program is fixed and it is common in all nights, and the presenters are different every night. there is mr. hemti, mr. saeed biabanki, there is mr. daud heydari, there is mr. homai, there are mr. ahmaddi, there are different presenters on different nights, they perform this program with one constant characteristic, and that is an in