bhandari want to go into research once they finish their masters but they both know that study alone won't save the climate. when you read news about like we lost the species some days ago so it's also disheartening and i would. happier if more and more of these issues come into people's focus and people start talking more about climate change species loss biodiversity. they want to help raise awareness about the climate also in india to that and they intend to return to their homeland within the next 10 years. now the indian constitution gallantries women citizens equality big nifty and freedom from discrimination act like world the women employ makes less than the men in india the figure stands at 62 percent of a mere. act of this the systemic and patriarchal bias of the kinds of jobs women ought to do. with some women who are proving to be game changers by doing the jobs that are believed to be soley main. thing drives a rickshaw taxi. and to really weigh station. or a newspaper nearby. everyone calls up are. these 3 women in jail who have jobs that are almost and dalia performed