>> i always apply three alpha bhets, tfh, transparency, i think the tax code needs to be transparent, it needs to be fair and i think people need to be honest in dealing with it. that's the problem we have here. when people try to make the tax code be something that drives job creation, i don't think that's what the problem is, i think that when people go to pay their taxes, as most of them will be doing by midnight tomorrow night, they want to make sure that what i'm paying is a fair assessment and it's not going to be my carrying this burden by wealthier people continuing to get these tax cuts while big industries that don't need them get these big tax subsidies and people who are going to work every day making 35,000, 40,000, 50,000 a year, pay at a rate of 26%, 27% 28%, while the wealthier people pay the 14% or 16% rate. that is not fair and we need to be more transparent about it. i think there's something to be said about people who pop their money off short and we don't know exactly what's in those accounts. when we look at despots in foreign countries, putting their money in s