go to bhutan! follow your destiny! i'm going to bhutan! rico! beach! rico! ♪ one bottle of beer on the wall ♪ ♪ one bottle of beer ♪ you take it down and pass it around ♪ ♪ there'll be no more bottles of beer on the wall ♪ all right. we'll head to the mountain at 8 a.m. sharp. any questions? uh, yes. as we climb, will you point out any crevasses that i might plummet into? i will! there's nothing like that here. well, i-is there a dead man's anything? you see, i'm looking for the kind-- shut up, dick! all right, i'm turning in. oh, and a word to the wise: everybody put your food in the bear bags. this is bear country. thank you, vincent. nina: good night. good night, vincent. good night, mary. dick, what are you doing with that sandwich? vincent just said that was dangerous. well, you know what i love about bears. they'll almost kill you every time. no, dick, thwill kill you every time. they will? good night, vincent. ok, tommy, i'm really sorry. i never meant to hurt your feelings, you know. it's just that we're so young. we have plenty of time.