french doctors working for the red cross sought permission to provide aid to the 100,000 refugees in biafra who were suffering from famine and disease. but because these refugees were on the "wrong" side of the government in a civil war, the red cross said "no." the doctors resigned their post and started what was to become "doctors without borders," an organization committed to serving all populations in need, regardless of politics or national borders. at the same time, a hemisphere and continent away, the people of venice, california were demanding health care for those who could not afford to pay for it. a group of concerned citizens, working with two local doctors, secured the loan of a dental office at night, and started a volunteer clinic. from these humble beginnings emerged the venice family clinic, the largest fr clinic in the united states. this is the story of two organizations and the people they serve... in the name of health, and humanity. suraj achar had only recently opened his family practice when he left for six months to help somali refugees who were entering kenya near