. -- biannualy.e're going to talk about the powers and the duties of the board and its members and also just a little bit about open meeting laws. if you have any questions, please feel free to stop me. if you have any questions, i can answer them. let me know if you have questions. i am sorry. the mta as an agency has unique powers, not held by other agencies within the city. the mta has exclusive authority over acquisitions of property, construction, use of this property. it has exclusive authority to contract, to purchase, and to lease. the sf mta can accept and spend grant funds without the board of supervisors approval, unlike other agencies. the sf mta also set rates and fares without board approval, in addition to other matters and control over the streets. you have the ability to regulate parking, stopping, and the flow and direction of traffic. the role of the board in the performance of the agency functions is, first of all, to set policy directions for the agency, first and foremost. you a