chairman, so he had to, all the time he was chairman, prove what he was worth as a chairman, and bidulyaproved it with his extraordinary actions, bold decisions, which often ran counter to what was coming down from above. in the early 1960s , they questioned milkmaids, made some notes, then everything was repeated again, the questions were tricky, well, where do the cows come from, how do they get such milk yields, padding, we feed, we milk, here's to milk. now the inspectors were shrugging their shoulders. until recently, the collective farm was listed as lagging behind in the reports, and there was no need to talk about milk yields at all. but in front of them were really well-fed cows, not giving the impression of emaciated cattle. when the inspectors again began to question the obvious , he intervened. success depended primarily on the actions of the head of our farm, vladimir yaontsievich, he reads something somewhere, finds these people, gets in touch, takes an interest, we find contacts, subsoil co-production, the solution was then found in expanding crops, there is no corn, as th