. >> high, big fello. somebody messed you up. mebody got paid off you, big guy. >> like this mother and her calf. >> we hear poaching all the time. look at this animal. first time i'm seeing it in my life up close and personal. but just, i mean, until you're this close to it. that is brutal. >> three months ago rescuers found her in the bush, still groggy. her horn hacked off. left for dead. her baby clinging to her side. >> is the animal still in pain? >> no. >> as much as we can get a success. >> she is healing well and soon the two will be released back into the reserve. >> man oh man. it's a shame this place is even necessary. >> it is almost unfathomable to think, what would drive someone to this kind of brutality, until you realize a single rhino horn can fetch up to a quarter million dollars on the black market. even a small fraction of that is hard to resist in a place with little opportunity. >> we're in a township outside pret pretoria. our poacher set up a meeting for us. >> a former poacher has agreed to meet us. only