but but the biggericture, of course, is, is the story of trust and society. what happens when people losing trust and when people start losing trust, they get a perspective of suspion to everything. right. imagine you you you're losing trust. uh, where would it end? would you trust your doctor? would you trustour. would you trust the government with the trust the pple who are certifying elevator's like where, does it end? the reality is the trust is kind of the the lubricant of society. if you stop for a minute and you think about how much trust have we have tremendous amount of trust. and once people believing once people stop trust, it has tremendous implication. we're just entering the beginning of a new election season. uh, is the role of trust. trust in the government, trust the election? what happened when the trust is low, where will they take us? i we've had some, uh very frightening observations about where lack of trust could, could take us. and because of that, we need to understand not just at the individual level, but we needed to think about it.