when you read it biggio funny talking about -- when you leap -- when you read giovanni talking about love, you want to fight to save a species that make love and a world that is hospitable to the portrait of love. we fight back by celebrate what is best in our lives and our culture. it is not just politics or economics, although there are prophetic voice is in there about politics and economics. this book is as relevant today as when we did these interviews, but we also have to celebrate -- henry david thoreau, the great author of the 19th century, said it, "to affirm the quality of the day is the highest of the arts." and you have to include that kind of affirmation in your journalism or you wind of edging toward cynicism, moving towards -- skepticism is healthy, cynicism is poisonous. it is the artists and musicians, but painters, the writers, poets who provide the joy and insight in life, and you have to talk to them. even if you are doing a book about politics. tavis: i want to go back and pick up one thing that is really an arc that covers everything in the book, and that is thi