existing trails and greenways already in place we can make delaware one of the most walkable and bikable states in the country. now, employers looking to create jobs also care about the availability and the cost of electricity. now, that's why we've reduced the utility tax last spring. and while we've provided incentives for businesses to invest in energy saving technology. we need to continue to promote energy saving investments. but when i talk with business leaders about investing in delaware i sometimes hear concerns about municipal power rates. and the lack of any choice in competition to hold down prices. now, let me be clear i have been approached by a number of businesses which because they're located in the service area of a municipal power system they're required to procure their electricity from those municipalities at rates that are uncompetitive with those charged elsewhere in delaware and importantly uncompetitive with other parts of the country where they have similar facilities. now, i'm sensitive to the revenue needs of our municipalities. but if these businesses leave o