moke was the first bikeharing comny. it launched 2016, and now clmsms to ha 20000 milon usesers wowodwide. >>t first there was cut-throat compitioion. there were over a a hundred cocompanies on t the market. now there are just three or four left.. we'r're not makingng a profit , bubut we're getttting there biy bit. our resultlts in septembmber e extraoaordinarily gogood. i cacan tellou t that ch. >> one of my first questions -- homuch are the rental bikes rereally being u used? when do you rent a bicycle? student: if i don't have to go more than 20 kilometers. reporter: that far? most beijing residents use the bikes for much shorter distances -- for the so-called last mile from the subway to their office or home. for the first time in quite a while, the number of bike journeysys is growing. sandra retzer adviseses the chininese miministry of transpon behalf of the german goverernme. sandra that wawas the positive : effect of all the various bike-shariring companies. officials starteted rethininkg things in the cities, an